Digital Literacy
Boosting Digital Citizenship
Fokus Gruppe Online
20. September 16:00-19:00 Uhr
Arbeitssprache ist Englisch
The aim of this focus group is to identify the key factors of digital literacy in museums. In particular, it will focus on how museums can also be a place where digital citizenship can be built and lived.
After 3 years of pandemic and experience with many new digital formats we ask ourselves: What remains and what will be relevant? What bores digital visitors, what overwhelms them, and what can actually contribute to digital citizenship? And finally, what about expertise in the museum? What is needed within the organization, what should be outsourced and what training will be needed?
According to the Council of Europe, “Digital Citizenship refers to the ability to engage positively, critically and competently in the digital environment, drawing on the skills of effective communication and creation, to practice forms of social participation that are respectful of human rights and dignity through the responsible use of technology.”
- What is digital citizenship?
- Why is digital citizenship important for museums/cultural organisations?
- How can museums ensure that they both nurture and promote digital citizenship?
- How well is your organisation doing at boosting digital citizenship?
- Developing a digital citizenship strategy for your museum/cultural organization

Verónica Donoso, PhD
Our Facilitator
Verónica Donoso holds an BA in linguistics and a MA in education (Universidad de Chile) as well as a PhD in Social Sciences (KU Leuven, Belgium). She’s is an expert consultant specialised in digital literacy, online safety and education and a research associate at the Institute for Media Studies at the Katolieke Universiteit KU Leuven. She is also the Digital Literacy and Child Online Safety Adviser at European Schoolnet where she provides advice, carries out research and co-creates solutions to empower and protect children and young people online so that they can navigate the digital world knowledgeably, safely, and creatively. Her main areas of expertise are digital skills and literacy, online safety, and education.
16:00-16:10 Welcome and geting to know each other |
16:10-16:30 Setting the scene: Input by Veronica Donoso, PhD Workshop instructions |
16:30-17:10 Moderated breakout session: The actual state of digital literacy and digital citizenship in museums |
17:10-17:30 Plenary: Reflections and key conclusions |
17:30-17:45 Break |
17:45-17:50 Intro |
17:50-18:30 Moderated breakout session: A path towards the future |
18:30-18:50 Plenary: Reflections and key conclusions |
18:50-19:00 Closing: Next steps |
1. What is digital citizenship?
We familiarise ourselves with the concept of digital citizenship. What are present definitions, existing frameworks or initiatives? We reflect on key concepts of digital citizenship such as digital literacy, digital skills etc.
2. Why is digital citizenship important for museums/cultural organisations?
Questions for discussion will include:
- Why is digital citizenship important for myself, my colleagues and my organisation?
- Why is digital citizenship important for our “customers”/public?
- What is the role of museums in promoting and facilitating access to digital citizenship education?
- What is the added value of boosting digital citizenship at your organisation? What’s the benefit to invest in digital literacy?
3. How can museums ensure that they both nurture and promote digital citizenship?
Nurturing digital citizenship refers to internal capacity building, i.e., all those aspects that are necessary for an organisation to be able not only to strive in a digital society, but above all
- to engage positively, critically and competently in the digital environment and
- to encourage social participation that are respectful of human rights and dignity through the responsible use of technology.
This could include a variety of aspects from infrastructure to media and digital literacy, to even legal aspects (e.g., the impact of the GDPR/DSGVO in your organisation). What are the respective demands for continuous staff upskilling in regard to technical and social skills as well as ethic and legal demands.
Promoting digital citizenship: How can digital citizenship be integrated into the museum’s mission and everyday practices, for instance by:
- educating the public and helping them boost their own digital citizenship while visiting the museum
- paying special attention to the needs of vulnerable groups and supporting them to develop their own digital skills
- making sure their digital development leaves no one behind/excluded, etc.
4. How well is your organisation doing at boosting digital citizenship?
We present exisiting asessment tools from the English speaking world such as the Digital Culture Compass. How could existing tools be (re-) used, adapted or new ones developed? We well reflect on the following aspects:
- Needs analysis/Assessment: What does my organisation need to boost digital citizenship?
- Identification of gaps: What does my organisation need to be able to boost digital citizenship?
- Plan of action: What does my organisation need to do to boost digital citizenship?
5. Towards a digital citizenship startegy?
What should digital citizenship strategies include? What would be steps for their development, implementation and asessment?
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Anmeldung Digital Literacy Fokus Gruppe
Potsdamer Str. 73
D-10785 Berlin